Saturday, May 3, 2014

I said "YES"

Today wasn't the most beautiful spring May day but after late breakfast and cancelled golf plans we decided to embrace the nature...

....(some of us quite literally) and visit Arboretum. I was snappy-happy and smelly-happy, too. Don't you just love spring with all these beautiful colors and smells. Divine!

I was fooling around and when we found my most most most favorite flower in the world - Iris - I was just super happy. See the smile below. I love how Irises smell because my grandma used to grow them and they always remind me of my childhood. 

When we found another Irises I snapped another picture:

...and when I turned around I found my boyfriend kind of kneeling behind me so I snapped his picture, too.

He was very bemused (as is obvious at the photo) because he realized that I had no idea what was going on. And then he showed me the box he was holding in his hand. (Now you see the box, too). And I got a little bit teary. And then he asked me the question and I said YES. (I literally said "yes" because he asked me in English and later when I told him he did, he didn't even realized it. I know, we're weird this way. I write this blog in English so I don't have a right to cast any aspersions. And I have to say I kinda liked it :)).

O gosh, now I am going to love Irises even more! Then I had this huge big smile on my face.

But here's a picture for you as a proof that I am not the only one in this relationship to do crazy stuff:

Then we went to see (and tell) my parents, I called my brother and my fiancee (heh, I will have to get used to this :D) called his mom. And then I have to confess I posted it on facebook. I have no idea if it's proper or absolutely not.

I can't stop looking at the ring. It's soooo prettyyyyy. It's perfect. It's my dream ring. (But I'll try to forget the big fight I instigated a few weeks ago cause I was getting a little bit (a lot) nervous about the fact that we've been together for almost eight years and everybody around us was getting married and having children, and I was getting older and everybody was asking me WHEN will I get married and I had no answer to that cause I had no idea what he was waiting for and... well, I guess I am, too, only human.)

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