Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cowboy's Onion Soup / Kovbojská cibulačka

With all the mad dashing during Holidays and eating crap all the time, there always comes a day when I feel like screaming STOP! Now I want something healthy, hearty and simple. And sometimes I manage to find inspiration in strange places - like when I started reading FOOD magazine at our friend's house. Fast-forward next day - after I borrowed the magazine and went shopping (which was incredibly hard for me to do - I was trying to find the resolve for several hours, because let's face it - I am still lazy during Holidays) and put on my new apron with little Tour-Eiffels (it's gorgeous, but if only everyone didn't suggest that I should be naked underneath it - I mean everyone, even my parents! - I mean - gross - is really everyone insane?) I started to cook again.
300g bacon, cut into cubes (it starts well - don't you think? ;)
3 big onions, cut into thin circles
3 big potatoes, unpeeled and washed, cut into cubes
3 bouillon cubes
200 ml of cream
3 cloves of garlic, crushed with garlic press
salt, pepper, if you like

In a large pot fry (on low heat) the bacon until it's golden, then add the onion and cook until it softens. Add the potatoes and cook for few minutes. When the potatoes start to stick to the bottom of the pot, add circa 1 liter of hot water with the bouillon cubes. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Add the cream, garlic and marjoram. Add salt and pepper as you like it.

Enjoy the real Slovakian soup!

Počas Vianočného zhonu a každodenného pobiehania sem a tam a jedenia všemožných hlúpostí, vždy príde jeden deň, kedy mám chuť zakričať: DOSŤ! A teraz chcem niečo zdravé, výdatné a jednoduché. A väčšinou inšpiráciu nachádzam na zvláštnych miestach - ako napríklad, keď som si začala čítať FOOD magazín u kamaráta doma. Takže na ďalší deň, keď už som mala požičaný časopis a bola som nakúpiť (čo ma stálo maximálne úsilie a odhodlávala som sa niekoľko hodín, predsa len sú Sviatky a nechce sa mi) a obliekla som si novú zásteru s maličkými Eifellovkami (je fantastická, až na to, že mi každý hovorí, že či by som ju nemala nosiť na Adama - a pod všetkými myslím aj mojich rodičov! - akože fuj - to sú všetci nenormálni?) som sa pustila do varenia:
300g slaniny nakrájanej na kocky (začína to dobre, nie? ;)
3 veľké cibule, nakrájané na tenké kolečká
3 veľké zemiaky, neolúpané a umyté, nakrájané na kocky
3 kocky bujónu
200 ml smotany
3 strúčiky cesnaku, pretlačeného
soľ, korenie, ak chcete

Vo veľkom hrnci opražíme (na malom ohni) do zlata slaninku, pridáme cibuľu a varíme až kým nezmäkne. Potom pridáme zemiaky a varíme niekoľko minút. Keď sa zemiaky začnú mierne prichytávať ku dnu hrnca, zalejeme asi litrom horúcej vody s rozpustenými bujónmi. Varíme 15 minút. Nakoniec pridáme smotanu, majoránku a cesnak. Dochutíme soľou a korením, ak chceme.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas market

Christmas is coming!!! This announcement is for those of you who haven't noticed the Christmas songs playing in the shops, full centres of people (be it a shopping centre or a city centre), shiny lights on trees, street poles and random things and everyone's jolly mood (I might be exaggerating the last one ;).  Yesterday I have successfully passed my fourth Tax Office control in the last four months and my mood was considerably jolly. After another grueling and whiny ballet class (ballet was grueling, I was whiny - I once again threatened to abandon the ballet for aerobic or zumba - but let's face it, it is my own fault when I decided to do a 30 day squat challenge with 10 different exercises which translates into e.g. me doing every single exercise 140 times on Day 15. Yes, I sometimes do wonder if I am sane. The jury is still out on that one (of course I am not sane thinking I can do 750 squats on Day 30!!! - but that day is still 15 days away. We will see. Maybe I will realize that walking and particularly walking the stairs is way overrated.) But I digress, so after my ballet class we drove to our capital city of Bratislava to meet our Taiwanese friends (Taiwanese because we met them in Taiwan, not because they are Taiwanese, but that's what we call them) for some pre-Christmas drinks - which in Slovakia means freezing your ass on Christmas market drinking punch or mulled wine, eating lokše (Slovak potato pancakes) with duck liver or poppy seeds and being jolly (there I go again with this jolly business but I guess that's what I feel like).

These Christmas markets are a fantastic tradition (I loooove them) we adopted from the Germans and they are incredibly popular (as can be seen by the number of people there). These pictures are from our capital - Bratislava. I will endeavor to try out our own Christmas market in Nitra and later report which one was better. I will really try to be unbiased and bla bla bla. I love Nitra, Nitra's better and I can't wait to have The Christmas Punch for Ladies (the one with Malibu rum, yum, yum).
Even though it was in Bratislava (wow, I AM incredibly biased), we had lots of fun, discovered some news (babies, babies everywheeeere) and at unreasonable time of 1:30a.m. headed home. I was quite tired and thought to myself that I needed something-anything to keep me awake. And then this happened.

I saw sh!t and suddenly was wide awake. I guess winter is coming.

Vianoce prichádzajú!!! Tento oznam je pre tých, čo si nevšimli, že v obchodoch vyhrávajú len Vianočné hity, centrá sú plné ľudí (či je to centrum nákupné alebo mestské), svetielka sú na stromoch, pouličných lampách alebo bársde (ako sa hovorí u nás po nitránsky) a každý má veselú náladu (možno s tým posledným vyhlásením trošku preháňam ;) Včera bola moja nálada, po úšpešnom štvrtom miestnom zisťovaní z Daňového úradu za posledné štyri mesiace, značne veselá. Po ďalšom namáhavom a umrnčanom balete (balet bol namáhavý, umrnčaná som bola ja - zase raz som sa vyhrážala, že prasknem s baletom a začnem chodíť na aerobic alebo zumbu - ale musím byť k sebe úprimná, môžem si za to sama, keď som sa rozhodla dať si 30dňovú Squat Challenge s desiatimi cvikmi, čo v preklade znamená, že napr. Deň 15 robím každé jedno cvičenie 140krát. Hej, niekedy rozmýšľam, že či som normálna. Ešte konečné rozhodnutie nepadlo. (Jasne, že nemôžem byť normálna, keď si myslím, že urobím 750 squatov na Deň 30!!! - ale to mám stále ešte 15 dní pred sebou. Uvidíme. Možno nakoniec zistím, že chodenie a to hlavne po schodoch je úplne nepotrebné). Ale odbáčam mimo tému, takže po balete sme sa vybrali do Bratislavy stretnúť sa s našimi Tajwancami (Tajwanci ich voláme, lebo sme sa s nimi zoznámili na Tajwane, nie preto, že by boli Tajwanci) na pred-vianočné drinky - čo na Slovensku znamená mrznúť na Vianočných trhoch a piť punč alebo varené víno, jesť lokše s kačacou pečienkou alebo makom a mať veselú náladu (zase sem strkám tú veselosť, ale môžem ja za to, že sa tak cítim?)
Milujem Vianočné trhy. Tieto fotky sú z Bratislavy. Posnažím sa v najbližších dňoch absolvovať trhy aj v Nitre a neskôr ohodnotím, ktoré boli lepšie. Budem sa snažiť byť spravodlivá a bla bla bla. Milujem moju Nitru a som predpojatá, takže nitrianske Vianočné trhy sú lepšie a neviem sa dočkať, kedy si dám Vianočný punč pre dámy (s Malibu rumíkom - mňam, mňam).
Aj keď to bolo v Bratislave (kokos, ja som tak predpojatá :D), bolo nám super, nasmiali sme sa, zistili sme nejaké novinky (furt tie deti a deti) a o nenormálnom čase - pol druhej v noci - sme sa vybrali domov. Bola som dosť unavená a aj som rozmýšľala ako sa udržať v strehu. Ale o chvíľu sme vošli do takej metelice, že som h*vno videla a hneď som bola prebudená. Asi prichádza zima.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fish & Chips (paleo style)

When I find some food I loooove, I would (am) able to eat it every single day! (As I did when I was at uni - I am looking at you - pasta with cheese.) But considering I am no longer cooking just for myself I try to contain myself and just cook it only once a week (a huge concession in my book). The last food I fell in love with was this Kumquat's Fish & Chips. They are incredibly delicious. AND whole30 friendly. And delicious. What more could a girl ask? I usually whisk a bowl of home mayo to go with it and forgo the coriander (my man is not a fan, unfortunately). But they are delicious, I am telling you.
3 tsp paprika
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
1/4 tsp cayenne powder
olive oil
1 sweet potato cut into fries
salmon fillets

First, preheat oven to 200°C. Mix your spices. Peel and cut your sweet potato (potatoes in my case, did I mention I am ravenous for this food and that it is delicious?) into fries, toss in a large bowl with olive oil and enough of the spice mix. Painstakingly (tongue hanging from one side of the mouth because of the concentration) put the fries on the baking sheet so they don't touch. Ta-daaa!

Bake for 15 minutes . Then turn each and every fry and bake from the other side for another 15 minutes. (This is where the "painstakingly" comes in because every time I turn them I managed to burn my hands on the baking tray!)

Meanwhile toss your salmon with olive oil and the second half of the spice mix. After first 15 minutes I take out the baking tray for turning fries, I quickly put salmon on the top shelf of the oven. After fries are turned I put the baking tray back. Thus salmon bakes for 20 minutes (approximately) and fries additional 15 minutes. And they are done at the same time (it is a super-duper time management skill).

The last 15 minutes I multitask and whisk my home made mayo. I add a little bit of lemon juice, Dijon mustard and salt to my whole egg that was warming up in the bowl on the counter for the last (at least) 30 minutes. I slowly add olive oil (it is important to add some light tasting olive oil otherwise the mayo will be too coarse tasting -as in it will be yuk - I use Borges Extra Light Olive Oil) and whisk it on high and add olive oil and whisk and add olive oil and whisk and... you catch my drift. Trust me, the home made mayo sounds harder to make than it really is. You just have to have a warmed-up egg, enough olive oil and whisk fast. That's it.

And it's done!

And then you call your significant other to dinner and he says he has to go because it is already 7 o'clock and boys will be waiting for him and he has only like three minutes. And since IT IS fish and chips you offer to pack it for him into a newspaper - like they do in UK as their national dish. And he answers - More like a national disaster - quoting amazing movie 51st State. The only thing I could manage was - I ain't even mad.

Akože ryba a hranolčeky - anglické to národné jedlo, ale že v tom onom paleo štýle
Keď nájdem nejaké jedlo, ktoré si zamilujem, bola by som (som) schopná ho jesť každý boží deň (pamätám sa na časy na univerzite, keď som každý deň jedla cestoviny so syrom, ehm). Avšak berúc do úvahy že už nevarím len sama pre seba, snažím sa vspratať do kože a variť moje obľúbené jedlo len raz do týždňa (čo je odo mňa veľká obeta, no nie?). Posledné jedlo, do ktorého som sa takto zamilovala boli tieto Fish and Chips od Kumquat. Sú neuveriteľne chutné. A spadajú do whole30. A sú vážne chutné. Čo viac si dievča môže želať? Zvyčajne k nim rýchlo ušľahám za misku domácej majonézy a vynechám koriander (ktorý moj muž nanešťastie neľúbi). Ale aj tak je to nehorázne chutné.
3 lyžičky papriky
2  lyžičky cesnakového granulátu
2  lyžičky čierneho korenia
2  lyžičky soli
1  lyžička mletej rasce
1  lyžička koriandru
1/4  lyžičky kajenskej papriky
olivový olej
1 sladký zemiak nakrájaný na hranolčeky
lososvé filety

Vyhrejeme rúru na 200°C. Zmiešame korenia v malej miske. Ošúpeme a nakrájame sladký zemiak (v mojom prípade zemiaky - už som spomínala že sa tohto jedla neviem dojesť a že je vážne chutné?) na hranolčeky, vo veľkej miske polejeme oliovým olej a posypeme dostatočným množstvom koreňovej zmesi a premiesime rukami. Veľmi dôkladne (tak že máme vyplazený jazyk nabok úst od toľkej koncentrácie) poukladáme na papier na plech tak aby sa hranolčeky nedotýkali.
Pečieme 15 minút. Potom plech vyberieme a otočíme každý jeden hranolček a pečieme ďalších 15 minút.
Zatiaľ si pripravíme lososa - super náročné - rovnako ako hranolčeky ho obalíme olivovým olejom a zmesou korenia. Keď vyťahujem plech s hranolčekami, rýchlo na horný šuflík do trúby šupnem lososa. Keď pootáčam hranolčeky a vrátim plech do trúby, tak sa mi v podstate pečie losos 20 minút a hranolčeky 15 - a obe sú hotové naraz.
Posledných 15 minút si rýchlo vyšľahám domácu majonézku. Pridám trochu citrónovej šťavy, dižonskej horčice a soli k celému vajíčku, čo sa mi v miske zohriavalo aspoň posledných 30 minút. Pomaly pridávam olivový olej (dôležité je použiť nejaký ľahko chutiaci olivový olej, ináč to bude také príkre na chuť - akože to bude jednoducho hnusné- ja používam Borges Extra Light Olive Oil) a mixujem na vysokej rýchlosti a pridávam olivový olej a mixujem a pridávam olivový olej a mixujem... proste chápete. Verte mi, napriek tomu, že domáca majonéza vyzerá náročne, len to tak vyzerá. Dôležité je mať nie studené vajíčko, dostatok olivového oleja a rýchlo mixovať. To je celé.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

7 years together

Today is our 7th anniversary. I mean whaaaaat? It sounds like a lot. My man have spent a quarter of his life with me (I am slightly older so it's less than that for me). When we started dating I always thought that by this time we'll be married and maybe have some kid on the way. But we are here now, I am still completely in love with him, I know I'll spend the rest of my life with him, but boy, we are poor and cannot afford a wedding much less kids! (Ok, it's not as horrible as it sounds but my man is spending all his money on his start-up and I am saving mine to open a shop). We are happy, very much so. And I am not that kind of a girl who has a life plan - get a perfect job by 25, get married by 28, have a first kid by 30 and so on. I feel no pressure to do anything. I am content to celebrate our 7th (or 8th or 9th...) anniversary of dating. We have a lovely tradition that there are no gifts but rather we always go to the opera. This year it was Rossini's The Barber of Seville. Mostly because I love Largo Al Factotum aria and I plan it to make it into my ringtone for my clients because I always feel like being rushed by them all all the time - same as Figaro does. (Even though it's no gifts my man always sneaks me a bouquet :)

Reading: Булга́ков - Ма́стер и Маргари́та  (Bulgakov - Master and Margarita)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Weekend in High Tatras

Lucky me and my boyfriend just got a free weekend in our beautiful mountains, High Tatras (and by our I mean Slovakian, not that I have my own mountains). Well, lucky for us, unlucky for my brother who broke up this week with his girlfriend and got stuck with a paid trip to a romantic wellness and spa hotel with no one to go with. Soooo, he decided to gift the trip to us. I know, I have an amazing brother! (His girlfriend was a married lady and it was obviously going nowhere so I have mixed feeling about his break-up but mostly I am glad (hm..sad?). Sucks to say it out loud, but it's the truth.) Since our anniversary (7th) is just around the corner, we decided to make it the most romantic trip ever and thoroughly enjoy it. It was strange to go to the Tatras in November. We usually go in the summer for hiking or in the winter for skiing. But the hiking trails close on November 1st and there was no snow yet. The weather was likewise nor here nor there. It was sunny one moment and foggy next.

First things first- golf. Since the weather was perfect we stopped at the golf club so my man could hone his skills on driving range and I could grab a quick lunch and enjoy the view. (Still no desire to play golf).

But the sun was quickly setting so we went up to the mountains and checked in to the hotel and jumped into an outdoor infinity pool with starry sky above us.

The next morning it was still sunny and we went to take a walk.

Our hotel from afar.

Surprise, surprise - empty pool just for ME! :)

Someone decided to join me. :) We stayed a while  (the weather got uglyyy) and then we drove to another hotel to enjoy the best food in the best restaurant in Slovakia in Wellness Hotel Borovica (where we stayed in the summer).

Yuuuum, food! The Grand Hotel Praha where we stayed is really nice, but (and I am sorry to say this since this trip was a gift) it has nothing on Hotel Borovica.
Reading: Washington Irving - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, A Very Short Introduction to Modern Art

Sunday, November 3, 2013

All Saint's Day

Forget Halloween. Forget masks. Forget candies. The end of October and the beginning of November here, in Slovakia, is all about remembering the people who passed away. 1st of November is All Saint's Day and 2nd of November is Remembrance Day of the Dead. So for us it means cemetery, chrysanthemums, candles and prayers. And it looks something like this during the day:


And something like this in the evening:

My bf's dad passed away this June after a long battle with cancer so this year's Remembrance Day was especially poignant. I think it's a beautiful tradition and it's nice that people take great care to visit their loved ones who passed away as can be seen by increased traffic in the country and the fact that only few graves are not adorned with flowers and candles.
Reading: Louisa May Alcott - Little Women, A Very Short Introduction to The Vikings

Friday, November 1, 2013

Puppy Love

Few weeks ago my mom brought a cutest little puppy as a gift for my dad's birthday. Adorable chocolate colored Labrador with blue eyes we decided to call Denny. It's our family's first dog ever. We lived in an apartment my whole life and only recently my parents built a house. The first pet was a tomcat Murko who is now a very spoiled twoyear-old. And now they decided to take on a dog - or a fourth child as we like to call him (after my brother, me and Murko). And ooops, all of a sudden, my parents have a child to train and bring up (the first three "children" were never properly brought up, as my mom likes to say - we brought up us ourselves). :)

But there is a member of our family who is definitely NOT excited about Denny.


Tired after a long day of running, jumping, licking, eating and biting.

This was my chance to FINALLY pet Denny without being jumped on and bitten. As soon as I stopped petting him, he woke up and looked at me with those incredibly sad eyes saying: "Go on, what are you waiting for, pet me!"