Sunday, February 23, 2014

Nonsteak Beef á la Steak / Ako pripraviť hovädzie nevhodné na steaky ako steak

It's Sunday 5pm and I've just finished my work - physically (my back hurts like craaazy) and emotionally drained. The last time I was describing my work it went something like this - imagine a huge slave ship, in the lower deck there are rows of seats and on these seats sit slaves in chains that are rowing these huge oars. It`s a slave ship so conditions are naturally atrocious - they get little water and little food in the scorching heat, they have to work impossible hours and there is an enormous guard who whips them when he feels they're slacking. AND if that's not horrible, there is a perfect storm coming. You get the picture. I've been doing this work for the last eight years and many times I felt like those slaves: working 10 hours a day including Saturday and Sunday every February and March (impossible working hours), having to lower my prices because of crisis and subsequent recession and unable to employ anyone because of it (little water and little food), adjusting to all the new and frequent amendments to laws AND my government`s love to issue fines for every little thing (a guard with the whip). AND now a real perfect storm came - something they call "checking statement". I hate the person who thought this up with a passion. Maybe even more than our neighbour`s dog. And I can`t wait till April when I am going to grow our second business!
Yes, I might be a little bit overly melodramatic for an accountant. But let's face it - I am not the only one:

And now my rant is over and let`s move on to beautiful and amazing things in life. Like for example MEAT. :) Yummy! What I really love about paleo diet besides my gorgeous skin and skinny (skinnier) body is the fact that I can eat meat. And I love meat! I thrive on meat! I could eat meat every day...wait.... I actually do. Hm. What I meant was I could eat Argentinian or Kobe beef steak every day! But that is not going to happen maybe because I don't have super rich parents or maybe because I don't earn big bucks or maybe because I actually don't know how to prepare delicious steak like they do in the restaurants. You choose the reason why.

But fortunately for me I have this amazing man who likes to take online courses like this: Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science. Yep, science AND cooking. And I watched this 20 minutes video (I could swear it was one hour that pissed bored ecstatic I was that I was forced to had an opportunity to watch it) on How to prepare a non-steak beef cut like round or chuck in a steak-like version. (I am warning you - it takes lots of time!)

You will need:
1 cut of tougher beef meat e.g. round or chuck
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

Season your beef with two to four teaspoons of salt (it depends on how big your cut is - I used two tsp), cover with foil and leave in the fridge for 18 to 24 hours.

Heat your oven to 107°C. (Yep, you read correctly ONLY 107!)
Take your beef out of the fridge, rub olive oil all over it (obviously it improves the transfer of heat) and rub in the pepper.

Heat oil in the pan till it smokes, sear the meat from all sides till it's nice and brown.

Put into the oven for 1 hour to 1 3/4 hours (it all depends on the size of the meat, I cooked mine for 1 hour only). Then turn off the oven and leave the meat there for 30 to 50 minutes (again, it depends on the size of the meat).

Then take it out of the oven and leave it outside for 15 minutes (I warned you that it takes time :) But obviously, according to science-y people, it yields the best results. And who doesn't believe people in white coats?!) Finally, serve! Yummy, yummy for my tummy!

His version:

Her version:

Je nedeľa, päť hodín večer a práve som skončila s robotou - fyzicky (chrbát ma bolí ako koňa) a emočne vyšťavená. Naposledy keď som niekomu cudziemu opisovala svoju prácu znelo to asi takto - predstavte si veľkú otrokársku loď, v podpalubí ktorej sú rady sedadiel, na ktorých sedia otroci v okovách, ktorí veslujú obrovské veslá. Keďže je to otrokárska loď podmienky sú horibilné - dostávajú malý prídel vody a jedla v neznesiteľných horúčavách, musia pracovať neuveriteľne dlhé šichty a navyše je tam mohutný strážca, ktorý ich bičuje, zakaždým ak má pocit, že sa flákajú. A ak by to nestačilo prichádza dokonalá búrka. Viete si to predstaviť? Túto prácu robím už posledných osem rokov a častokrát sa cítim ako tí otroci: pracujem desať hodín denne vrátane soboty a nedele každý február a marec (to sú tie dlhé šichty), musím znižovať ceny kvôli kríze a nasledujúcej recesii a nemôžem si dovoliť nikoho zamestnať (malý prídel vody a jedla), naša vláda neustále mení zákony A najviac miluje, keď môže pokutovať za úplne maličkosti (to je ten mohutný strážca s bičom). A TERAZ prišla tá dokonalá búrka - niečo čo si nazvali "kontrolný výkaz". Osobu, čo to vymyslela z duše neznášam. Možno ešte viac ako susedovie psa. A neviem sa dočkať, kedy príde apríl a konečne rozbehnem náš druhý biznis!
Áno, priznám si to, možno som až prespríliš dramatická na účtovníčku, ale nie som jediná! (ako Leo Bloom z The Producers!)

A teraz, keď už som sa ukľudnila, môžeme prejsť na krásne a fantastické veci v tomto živote. Ako napríklad mäsko. :) Mňam. Čo najviac milujem na paleo diéte okrem mojej krásnej pleti a štíhleho (štíhlejšieho) tela je fakt, že môžem jesť mäso! Zbožňujem mäso. Dokázala by som jesť mäso každý deň...počkať...veď ja ho jem. Hm. Čo chcem povedať, že by som dokázala jesť argentínske alebo Kobe steaky každý deň! Ale to sa bohužiaľ nestane možno preto, že nemám super bohatých rodičov alebo možno preto, že nezarábam veľké prachy alebo možno preto, že ja vlastne neviem ako pripraviť chutný steak tak ako ho robia v reštauráciách. Vy si môžete tipnúť dôvod prečo to tak je.

Ale našťastie pre mňa mám úžasného muža, ktorý sa rád vzdeláva a naposledy si urobil takýto online kurz: Veda a Varenie. Áno, čítate dobre, veda A varenie. A ja som si pozrela jedno 20-minutové videjko (prisahala by som, že trvalo hodinu tak nasrdená znudená nadšená som bola, že som musela mala šancu pozrieť si ho) ako pripraviť mäso nesteakovej kvality ako fantastický eňo-ňuňo steak! (Dopredu Vás varujem - príprava trvá dosť dlho!)

1 kus tvrdšieho hovädieho ako napr. stehno alebo plece
olivový olej
soľ a korenie

Osolíme hovädzie dvomi až štyrmi lyžičkami soli (závisí od veľkosti mäsa), zabalíme do priesvitnej fólie a necháme v chladničke 18 až 24 hodín.
Zapneme trúbu na 107°C. (Áno, čítate správne LEN 107!)
Vyberieme mäso z chladničky, omastíme ho olivovým olejom (vraj to zlepšuje prenos tepla) a riadne okoreníme.
Na panvici rozpálime olej a rýchlo opečieme mäso z každej strany.
Mäso preložime na pekáč a pečieme 1 hodinu až 1 hodinu 45 minút (zase to závisí od veľkosti mäsa, ja som ho piekla len hodinu). Vypneme trúbu a necháme v nej mäso ešte ďalších 30 až 50 minút (zase to závisí od veľkosti mäsa).
Nakoniec ho vyberieme z trúby a necháme ešte 15 minút vonku na vzduchu (ja som Vás varovala, že to trvá večnosť:) ale podľa múdrych vedcov je toto najlepší spôsob prípravy a kto by neveril ľuďom v bielych plášťoch). Konečne, podávame! Mňam, mňam, mňam!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

At Loose End

Today after I finished my book I found myself at a loose end. The book was The Glass Room by Simon Mawer and its story is loosely based on the history of Villa Tugendhat in Brno, Czech Republic. The book is originally in English but I got (it was a gift) a Czech translation. It was a weird thing, I couldn't image the book in English, it sounded so Czech-ish.

The place looks amazing and it's really close to my dream home - lots of light and space with terrific view. I really hope that I'll have a chance to visit - let's face it - Brno is only two hours away. But the story - I don't know if I liked it. It left me crying at the end and totally emotionally drained. I am still not sure if I like these kinds of books or not.
Then I was standing before my bookcase, seeing all these books I've bought and still haven't read. I was contemplating reading Murakami or one of my classics (Milton or Dickens) I got for Christmas, I laughed again when I saw Kafka's Metamorphosis (the book was HILARIOUS!!! I am pretty sure that that wasn't author's intention and I might be a huge dolt admitting it was so ridiculous but give it a try - maybe, you'll find it funny, too), I read some Keats' poems (I like them because they're so straightforward) and at the end I settled on Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses. But then I decided that my finding out why this book caused fatwa being called upon the author can wait a little bit and I did something remarkable! - I sat behind the piano!
After few songs and leafing through my music I happily exclaimed and started to play this. I don't know where and when and why but we (me and my man) have a favourite song - and it's I'll Make a Man Out of You from Disney's Mulan. I know that now you'll think us even weirder (is it even possible? :D) but this song makes us generally happy! Every single time one of us starts to sing it, the other one joins in and we'll end in big finish - ...OUT OF YOUUUUU!!! I already feel sorry for our future children!